My lovely Windows updater found some new files that my computer couldn't live without. Since it was 4:40 in the morning and I wasn't thinking yet, I hit sure, go ahead and up date, then went to make coffee. I put the filter in, measured out the grounds, filled the cup with water and set it under the spout. When I went back to pick up said coffee, I realized that all I had was a cup of lukewarm water with some creamer in it. Seems I didn't pour the water into the actual machine. Silly machine, didn't it know that's what I intended to do?
So that was my state of mind, oh, an hour ago. But I did pour the water in and am now enjoying a hot cup of Folgers Columbian roast, with sugar free French vanilla creamer. I know, too much information, but I need to start learing how to write with details, and this is my practice field.
Point is, now, every five minutes, I get a message from the operating system: Windows would like to restart you computer. Restart Now? Later?
It came to me. That's Easter. I had been rueing the fact that here it is, Holy Week and I hadn't really thought any about the history of the week, yadda yadda, and here it is in a 2 by three window on my screen every five minutes. Would you like to restart?
Easter is a huge reminder each spring, Would you like to restart your life? That's what resurrection, born-again, all the little buzz words really are getting at. You get to restart your life. Sure, the old stuff is still hanging around, but that's the outer, the inner is new and improved. Easter comes, whether you ask it to or not and insists, would you like to restart? Even when you're not thinking about it. And there is the option of later, but do you want to take that chance? What kind of stuff can creep in while you're piddling around, doing your little things, putting off the restart? Shoot, the system can become infected, compromised, or even hijacked. And while it has always been vulnerable, now you are aware of it and the knowledge is sitting in the back of your brain like old fish in the refrigerator. You can try to ignore it, but no way, no how.
His mercies are new every morning, the psalmist writes. Every day is a restart. What every you did, or didn't do yesterday, is gone and today is a fresh slate. What are you going to do with it?
As for me, that silly window is driving me nuts. I'm going to restart....
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