Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Reluctant Gardener...

I don't know if it's because I'm trying to finish John Le Carre's The Reluctant Gardener, or if it's the fact that previous owners of our new house spent A TON of money on landscaping and I feel some need to keep it at least maintained, but I spent a good two hours yesterday putting in flowers and mulch in the "front" garden. Still have the other front garder and the side garden to go. And the back garden, the patio garden. The big one in the back yard will be a synthetic green, if things go as planned.

Anyway, I spent about 90 bucks on shrubs, flowers and mulch. I am obviously doing it wrong, since Congress is using my tax money to re do their gardens as well.

From theThe Citizens Against Government Waste Pig Book 2006 the annual Pork report.

"$450,000 added by the House for plantings on the eastern front of the Capitol. This will allow members of Congress a chance to “stop and smell the roses” before they proceed with plunging the country deeper into debt."

Hmm, what could I do with a half million for plants? Gee, I could buy an entire LANDSCAPING COMPANY. Sorry Mr. Congressman. There are people in our country who can't afford to feed children, much less a house plant, and you all want how much to have some nice beds in front of your office?? At least mix in a few vegetables. You can give away nice salads with the pork roast...

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