Friday, April 14, 2006

The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Salon dot com has an opinion essay up about a new book by Caitlyn Flanagan, To Hell with All That : Loving and Loathing Our Inner Housewife. The scuttlebutt is that it's another Frey experience. Flanagan is a "stay at home" mom, who is a published writer. She writes regularly for several big name glossy, non homemaker magazines, etc. So she's not a non-working mom, she does work and earn an outside income from home. Seems she didn't really give up her career, just scaled back. Funny thing is, apparently, she has twins and had housekeepers, nannies and babysitters before the kids started preschool half days. I could be a stay at home mom with that kind of staff.

Anyway, it's funny how gender politics don't really change...

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