Monday, October 09, 2006

What did I do?

Lately, the type of spam I have been getting has changed from advertisements for products to help my, um, performance, to hard trader ads. I'm am apprised at least fifty times a day about the latest stock that is soaring and don't I want to get in on the action now?

So how did I even end up on those lists? This doesn't quite keep me up at night, but it does keep me wondering while I'm supposed to be working. Sure, I need something to assist with the delicate art of procrastination, but stock tips? I'm from Texas, stock tipping is what you do in the middle of the night while the herd is sleeping, right? Not during the day by email.

I've been thinking hard about whether or not some new newsletter has sold my email, or if spam is cyclical in nature. I mean there is a natural spam cycle, otherwise, I wouldn't get my annual Nieman Marcus cookie recipe and know that it is time to start Christmas shopping. But I don't remember a stock slam quite as bad as it has been lately, an assault on all fronts.

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